Sunday, 25 May 2014

Discussion of my new essay on Gerald Hill

Now that Jim DiEugenio and John Kelin have published my essay concerning Gerald Hill’s complicity in framing Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit (which can be read here on the website), in this blog post, I plan on responding to the various questions, feedback, and criticisms concerning the essay from various forums and websites, to the best of my ability when I have the time.

Posted June 4, 2014:

Apparently, some of the links in the essay still aren’t working. For those of you who are unable to view the film footage of Hill smiling after he is asked if he thinks Oswald is the same man who shot Tippit, I have provided the link to it here (Hill can be seen smiling at about the 59 minute 40 second mark).

Posted June 8, 2014:

As I wrote in my essay; “Hill also remarked that Oswald was subdued, disarmed, and handcuffed (in that order) during a filmed interview with news reporters on the day of the assassination…” In another filmed interview with news reporters on the day of the assassination (which can be viewed here), Hill explained that Oswald was subdued, disarmed, and handcuffed (in that order).

Posted June 11, 2014:

On Jefferson Morley’s website “JFK Facts,” a poster named Ronnie Wayne wrote the following concerning my essay in response to another poster named Sandy K.
“Thanks for the link Sandy. I started reading the article last week but just finished it tonight. Anyone really interested in the subject should. Thanks to Mr. Yusuf and Farley in particular. The light went off for me when Hill rode the front passenger elevator to the 5th/6th floor. ! That’s impossible! Brian’s “guess” statement on 2-3 shells corroborates James Tagues’s reporters statement of 2 shells. The whole who had what gun at the Texas Theater when and O’s actions at the time are kind of mind blowing.”
This can be read here. I would like to thank Mr. Wayne for his comments. Although I’m not certain what he meant when he wrote “Brian’s “guess” statement on 2-3 shells corroborates James Tagues’s reporters statement of 2 shells,” as discussed in the essay, detective Brian’s claim that he was on the sixth floor of the TSBD is not credible, and that he was coerced into claiming that Hill was on the sixth floor when the spent shell casings were discovered to cover-up for Hill’s presence outside of the rooming house at 1026 North Beckley inside DPD squad car 207.

Posted June 15, 2014:

According to my blog statistics, many more people have read through this post, than my post concerning the (potential) arguments against Hill’s complicity in framing Oswald. I would ask that readers please take their time to read through that post, and not just this one (click here to read it).

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